Level 2 Swiss Ball Program

Opposite Arm & Leg

Begin by lying with your stomach on the ball. Keeping the ball very still and without arching your back, lift your right arm and your left leg at the same time. Lower both extremities back down and switch to the left arm and right leg. Repeat 10 times.

Same Arm & Leg

Begin by lying with your stomach on the ball. Keeping the ball very still and without arching your back, lift your right arm and your right leg at the same time. Lower extremities back down and switch to the left arm and left leg. Repeat 10 times.

Knee Bends on the Ball

Begin with the ball under your stomach and then walk forward on the ball until it is supported underneath of your shins. Focusing on keep your torso still and supporting your weight on your hands, bend your knees up toward your chest bringing the ball under belly button. Hold for one second and then slowly straighten your legs moving the ball back behind you. Repeat 5 times.

Bridging on the Ball

Lying on your back, place your calves and ankles on the ball with your legs tight together. Your arms can be on the ground to the side of you for support. Raise your buttocks off the ground, squeezing through your buttocks and tightening your core. Your body should make a straight line from the ground to the ball. Hold for 10 seconds keeping as still as you can. Then, lower back to the ground. Repeat 10 times.